I have loved Bubrah even wooshippt her for years. She is the HERO of Holywod. the left coast leader. She writes to letters to hour leeders all th time, but who gits em? That no good Deny.
How duz hee rate? He aint no progressuv. he aint eevn a rethuglickin. He a liberalterryann whitch is lower then a neocon. An Babs is lettin him in on secrete coruspondunc wit mr osama bin Hussein.
Weeel itz ben a loong hard nite.(git it) an I need sum reel slepp cuz today iz paydai and the saylers all wil have muney. en I likes muney.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i is so prude of my boy
thancks to obamas stimulus amendment i aint gonna haffa pay mah mortgidge, i aint gonna haffa pay fo my gas. gold frum haven. on a moor positive note, me boy be taking those asshole cunsarvatives to task over at that grucky olied crippayleds dumb blog. my little son ov a hore iz gunna run dose cunsarveteve assholes out ov cyberspace. he gonna git some awards.
best blog in the world and the biggest disser in the wurld. i diss you. thatz what i do. diss.
best blog in the world and the biggest disser in the wurld. i diss you. thatz what i do. diss.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Denny aint ta only one whu kin read books.
I'm proud to say that haha recently finished one too. His was the little princess color time coloring book. He mad all the piktures reel neet. He only wuz a little over the lions.
Now he wants mee to mak him a dress just like the little princess has. I askt him how he wanted it cuz in one page he has it as red and pink an another its all blu, but on the lass page he made it black.
An did yu see mr Ohbahamma tonite? Haha was so caught up wift it that he wuz kissin the tv right on mister obazmuh. He musta had hiz eyes closed , cuz win that Cajun fella cummed on haha screamed like heed seen a spyder.
Well, its time to get back down ta the bar. The saylors are pretty drunk now and I need to get som ekonomik stimulashun. Thats blow jobs for twenty bucks.
Now he wants mee to mak him a dress just like the little princess has. I askt him how he wanted it cuz in one page he has it as red and pink an another its all blu, but on the lass page he made it black.
An did yu see mr Ohbahamma tonite? Haha was so caught up wift it that he wuz kissin the tv right on mister obazmuh. He musta had hiz eyes closed , cuz win that Cajun fella cummed on haha screamed like heed seen a spyder.
Well, its time to get back down ta the bar. The saylors are pretty drunk now and I need to get som ekonomik stimulashun. Thats blow jobs for twenty bucks.
Monday, February 23, 2009
mark your calinders peepl. my boy just reached a mylestone. over won billyon served in balboa park. he got thu golden facial award too. he just texted me and sayd that he want to change his leegle name from haha to moan crock. over one billyon sirved.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
i now my sun always be tearing denny and that asshole charliedelta up with his alchololic cumments but i chastize my lattle bastard sone for it. he rilly dunt understund how much iam adickted to crack. i haffa been onest fo moste ovva my life so i gots no reeeZon to lye. i luve me some crack and muy son be smarter then you is. git over it you neo -con's.
i'm on muy way to el cajon buuulivard to put a tampon in my suns asshole. i rilly hope the chp dooosent bring the drug sniffing dawg, because my trunk is loaded with mexican meth. it fucking reeks. i rilly hope haha doesnt leave me hanging. he's been busie sucking dick tonite so you balboa park fags can take a number. he is up to 73 and its going to be about 7 minnits.
Mah sun swallows mor then you.
Take that neocon RACISTS!
i'm on muy way to el cajon buuulivard to put a tampon in my suns asshole. i rilly hope the chp dooosent bring the drug sniffing dawg, because my trunk is loaded with mexican meth. it fucking reeks. i rilly hope haha doesnt leave me hanging. he's been busie sucking dick tonite so you balboa park fags can take a number. he is up to 73 and its going to be about 7 minnits.
Mah sun swallows mor then you.
Take that neocon RACISTS!
Haha is sooooo smartz
He done figgered out we can get rich with ours blogs.
We will offer advertising on our blog and we kin retire on all the money we r goona make.
So any of you wantin to reach a large oddieance, jes let us no sew we can put yer logo on our blogz.
We will offer advertising on our blog and we kin retire on all the money we r goona make.
So any of you wantin to reach a large oddieance, jes let us no sew we can put yer logo on our blogz.
I iz soary ifn thangs aint so cleer.
I had a bad nite lass nite an only maed enuf to git a botle uv nite trane. It duz weerd things to ma heed. Haha s alwuz steelin ma booze tu. thas ma bee y he so stoopid at timz.
If I dons make muzh senz, its cuz I hadta drink be4 I possed.
If I dons make muzh senz, its cuz I hadta drink be4 I possed.
Haha aint heelthy
Haha aint heelthy. fact iz he been reel sick of late. But he iz bakta woork now sukkin dick. We wuz afeerd heed nevair git over that theer AIDS viroos.
I went with heem to ta docktoor last week. Win he took down his pants, that poor docktar saw his little peeter an took to laffin soo hard he set rite down on the floor. Afer wut seamed lik ten miinuts he quits laffin and sez he is soory for his outburst and that he will keep his composure. He then ask haha what saccly wuz wrong.
Haha pointed at his weewee and sez its swollen.
I went with heem to ta docktoor last week. Win he took down his pants, that poor docktar saw his little peeter an took to laffin soo hard he set rite down on the floor. Afer wut seamed lik ten miinuts he quits laffin and sez he is soory for his outburst and that he will keep his composure. He then ask haha what saccly wuz wrong.
Haha pointed at his weewee and sez its swollen.
About my boi Haha
Haha aint his reel name. fact is I don't ritly remember what it iz. They started callin him haha in joonor hi skool. He tawked one of theem 5th grade gurls inta goin behind the swings for fun like I wus always doin with them mahrine recroots. When he dropped his drayers, she took to laffin so hard all ta other kids in the nayborhood come a runnin and they all started laffin tu.
That is Y his most favorite song is Hu put the dick on the sno man?
Yep, he cood use a thimbal for a jok strap. He aint go no balls ta worrie abowt. I done toll about dat in the coments on his blog.
That is Y his most favorite song is Hu put the dick on the sno man?
Yep, he cood use a thimbal for a jok strap. He aint go no balls ta worrie abowt. I done toll about dat in the coments on his blog.
WOW I gots me own blog!!!!!!!
I was so proud of that boy of mine when he started his own blog. He is just as good as that there Denny pluis he aint in no wheeeel chair neither.
I said so ta him tu an he sais shoot ma it aint no think to start a blog on blow spot. Blow spot I sez, aint that where you take them there Marine Recroots ta give em head? Na ma he sez, I'm tackin about wun on thu enternet.
And so yippee, Here I em.
I said so ta him tu an he sais shoot ma it aint no think to start a blog on blow spot. Blow spot I sez, aint that where you take them there Marine Recroots ta give em head? Na ma he sez, I'm tackin about wun on thu enternet.
And so yippee, Here I em.
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